Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reading the Bible Chronologically In A Year

Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible, but it seems a little overwhelming? Does it sometimes seem confusing when you read the Old Testament(OT)?

There can be several reasons the Bible can seem confusing in the OT:

1) There were many different authors of the entire OT books, and to make it more confusing, some books were written by several different authors.
2) The order of the books in the Bible is NOT the order of events. While some things were happening in Genesis, other things were going on in Job.
3) A lot of the OT is history, history, history. And family ancestry. All of the "begats" can get frustrating.
4) And, let us not forget to even mention the fact that there are many names of people and places that are very difficult to pronounce.

Nonetheless, it is quite possible to read the entire Bible in a year, chronologically (in the order of the events as they happened).

The Bible is unique among books and is the most read book in the world. Our all-powerful God used 40 inspired authors to pen the Scriptures over a period of approximately 1500 years. Even though the Bible is an ancient book, its truths are as real and relevant today as when they were first written. It is a timeless book.

I sincerely hope that this article inspires you to read the Bible... and if you can't make it in a year, then don't stress about it, and just read it with the time that you have.

So, here's how this is going to work. I'll give the date and what you are to read, chronologically as the year progresses. The list will also be available online, so you can print it off periodically and check off your readings. Also, I will try to give a brief summary of the different readings and select a key Scripture that I think needs highlighted.

Since it's already going into the latter part of January, there is a lot of catch-up reading to do!

God bless each and every one of you!

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